Here are common questions grouped into categories
About the Shampoo
1. Do you need a conditioner to go along with the Silky Shampoo? Or a hair spray?
No need, it is already balanced. You will save on conditioner, hair spray and anti-flea medication when you use Silky Dog Shampoo.
2. What are your ingredients?
We use natural process. So they are water, sodium chloride, glycerin and plant based oils.
For the fragrance, we use a variety of oil essences from plants.
For the anti-flea we use a type of plant that repels flea.
We do not use other ingredients that other shampoos use to improve the cosmetic look and feel of the liquid.
These ingredients work too harsly on the dog's skin or even human's skin.
We use only what we consider and tested good for the dog.
Rest assured that what you use for your dog, is what we use for our own.
3. I thought my dog's hair is rough because of its genes. Will your shampoo work?
We tried our shampoos on a variety of dogs, pedigree and mongrels.
We find that for even the short-haired dogs like Daschund with rough hair, our shampoo can make the hair smoother.
A rough dry hair is mostly due to the use of harsh chemicals that rips the hair of its natural compounds.
Almost all of dog shampoos were tested to contain these chemicals.
It is not because of genes.
So the short answer is Yes, it will work.
4. My dog is scared of the water. I can't bathe him so i send to professional groomer. How to DIY?
Well then how can the professional groomer command your dog to stay still?
It really has a lot to do on how you introduce the whole grooming session.
Make the whole session a positive and happy occasion, but not too excited one.
Were you nervous? If you are, your dog will be nervous too.
Were you unsure? Then your dog will be too.
We created a 3 parts video at the home page to help you how.
Even when we already wash our dogs 1000 times, you can see sometimes they are a little unsure.
5. My dog has a lot of flea. Will your shampoo solve it?
If you can spot a flea easily on your dog, and the sizes of the flea is bigger than a Chinese full stop, then that condition requires immediate veterinary attention.
There are medications and injections to stop it.
Our shampoo is the first line of defense and prevention of dog flea. But if the situation is already very bad, please consult a vet. Usually they will give oral pills for urgent conditions.
6. My dog is using medicated shampoo prescribed by the vet due to sensitive skin but I notice the hair is still rough. How come?
Medicated shampoo in the market still use surfactants, but they add in more glycerine artificially to slightly decrease the damage to the skin. There is still damage though. Over time, the damage will still be observed. So it is only slightly better than commercial dog shampoo. They are seldom loaded with essential oils derived naturally from plants. It will cost too much more. Our shampoo does not contain surfactant at all and we design and make the shampoo with little regard about costs or profit-makig mindset. We want the best for our dogs and this is the formula we use for our own dogs.
Give our shampoo a try. You can use your current shampoo on the front, and use Silky at the back. Rinse, dry and see the difference.
7. My dog has "sensitive skin". Is it because of the diet? And is it safe to use your shampoo?
If rashes are appearing all over the body and the color is uniform, then it can be due to diet.
One of our dogs develop allergy to chicken and eggs. Her skin will turn pink after feeding with chicken products.
However usually "sensitive skin" is due to the shampoo used.
Most pedigree dogs have thinner protection layer of skin than mongrels.
This protection is delicate and the use of surfactants can damage and irritate the skin.
So your dog is actually sensitive to toxic chemicals that are in the shampoo.
Then it is inaccurate to say that your dog is born with a genetic defect and hence require a special shampoo.
The poor dog is just reacting to harmful chemicals in that shampoo.
And this reaction does not take place instantly. It can take months, or even years before the protective layer is damaged.
That is how other dog shampoos can get away with it without the average consumer noticing.
We have customers whose dogs are termed with "sensitive skin". They do excellent with our shampoo.
We are confident behind our brand because we understand the root of the problem and we do not put in harmful chemicals in our shampoo in the first place. Instead we fill it up with essential oils to make your dog have healthy skin and hair.
About Ordering
1. I do not have Paypal account, can I pay by credit card?
Paypal has a new feature. Now you do not need to have a Paypal account just to pay using your credit card.
You can pay by credit card via Paypal.
Or if you have a balance in Paypal, you can use it here as well.
2. I like your shampoo and would like to buy it for my family overseas (Countries other than Singapore). Do you ship overseas?
We could not post liquids overseas or away from Singapore.
We need a special export license and then corresponding import licenses for every destination country.
So to solve this, we have successfully solidified our shampoo into crystals.
By shipping crystals instead of liquids, we also cut costs on packaging and shipping.
Hence we are able to keep our price low for our international customers.
Customers would have to add water with a blender and wait for 3 days before it is ready for use.
50 Gram of the crystals will yield 1L of the shampoo.
We will declare this as "Bath Crystals" for customs purpose.
We have shipped to Europe, USA, Thailand, Korea, China... No problem.
Q: I have more questions. How can I contact you?
Please email us at [email protected]. We will answer your queries ASAP.